So midway through the day on friday I decided to go to Queens to visit Al. After work I went home packed my shit and hopped in the Whip for a shitty as drive. I hate driving in the city. I bug out, its kinda bullshit. anyways i got to the city around 8:30 found a parking spot and braught my shit into Als crib and immidiately started drinking some brews. Wizardstickery insued. A couple brews and some shot of delicous peppermint schnapps later Al, his roomate Pat and I headed to Kilarneys the local irish pub for some icey cold Smithwicks.

Earlier in the day i had Had some serioius hot hobinero mustard and ketchup on top of a Red hot. i think it agitated the Estomago a bit and i ended up Ralph Machioin behind the bar. luckily my Jedi skills were in effect and i projectilerized it into the garbage.

Saturday we slept in a lil then headed to the park with Pats dog, Jager for some exercise and fresh air. Jager is the shit i want to steal him and bring him home. Homey is mad straight.

After the Park we headed home and took a well needed snooze then went to whitecastle. never been before so i figured we should give it a go.
Sunday morning i was woken up with a message at 7. I found out my best friends and fellow FLC members Andrew and Justin crashed on a snowmobile into a tree. I didnt believe this at first but after a couple phone calls it was confirmed. Just broke his neck fracturing a couple vertebre and slipping two discs he will be alright after some healing. Andrew Suffered sever head trauma and is in a coma. at this point there is nothing we can do but wait and pray. he is moving around a little now. he can hear us but cannot speek or open his eyes. he is able to squeeze hands wich is good news. for now we need to pray and wait for the swelling to go down and for him to come out of the coma.
With nothing for me and Al to do but Pray we tried to take our mind off things by going into the city for some food and some SHOES. We took the train to Times Square and went to the famous Carnage Deli for some Insane sandwiches. completely met and exceeded expectations. we had a weird fuck waitor but the food was awesome.

I tried to have fun but i didnt really work out. Sunday night linda and Monica came by to hang out for a while with Al, Pat, me and his other roomate Casey. Watched some tube then went to bed. Mon morning i rushed home and went to visit Andrew and Justin at the Hospital. More to come about them later.